Enrollment in Public Leagues
Creating a Public League makes the league available to anyone else who wants to join. If you are in a Public League and find that it's not filling up, contact commissioner@baseballmanager.com for help in getting your season started.
Default League Settings
- Draft Length: 8 Days
- Draft Date: based on # days before first game; enough time for 2-day pre-draft, the draft length, and 7 day preseason
- Trade Review: 48-hour review process
- Stadium Factor: No stadium effect (Ultimate Leagues Only)
- Free Agent Bids: Do not show team bids (Ultimate Leagues Only)
- Lefty Starter Rule: Cannot start two lefties in a row (Ultimate Leagues Only)
- Injured List: Use IL - players can move to Injured List (Ultimate Leagues Only)
Note: Progression Leagues have their own standardized settings that are decided upon at the beginning of the season.