Express BBM
Express BBM offers a schedule of up to 162 games, but unlike Ultimate BBM, doesn't bother with right-handed and left-handed pitching and lineup options. In Express, if your player starts for both your team and his MLB team, then you will see those stats in the next morning's box score!
Express also offers the following gameplay features:
- 10-team leagues
- As a league - deciding on gameplay options, such as:
- Customized draft date
- 1, 4, or 8-day drafts
- Working with a $40M payroll
- Managing a 30-man roster
- Bidding on free agents
- Trading with other managers
- Setting your starting rotation (no limits on "handedness")
- Setting your upcoming and next day's lineups
- Determining the order of appearance for relief pitchers (1 list to manage rather than 2)