Keeper BBM
Keeper Leagues allow BBMers to play Ultimate BBM, but carry over 7 - 10 players to next season's roster. The other gameplay features are identical to Ultimate BBM:
- 10-team leagues
- As a league - deciding on gameplay options, such as:
- Customized draft date
- 1, 4, or 8-day drafts
- League trade review
- Stadium factor (will you play in a pitcher's, hitter's, or neutral park?)
- View free agent bids (being able to see if anyone else is bidding on the player you want to claim)
- Frequency of usage of left-handed starting pitchers (LHP)
- Whether or not to disable players in BBM who have landed on the MLB injured list.
- Working with a $40M payroll
- Managing a 30-man roster
- Bidding on free agents
- Trading with other managers
- Setting your starting rotation while accounting for right-handed and left-handed starting pitchers
- Setting your upcoming and next day's lineups, while accounting for facing right-handed and left-handed starting pitchers
- Determining the order of appearance for relief pitchers, depending on whether fewer or more than 2 innings are needed (short and long relief lists)
- 2 rounds of playoffs to determine your league's World Series champion.