BBM Off-season (Keeper Leagues)

The BBM off-season is available for anyone who is playing in a Keeper League. There are 2 different time periods during the off-season:

BBM Post-season

Keeper League seasons continue even after the playoffs end. Teams retain their end-of-season remaining payrolls and can continue to make transactions such as free agent claims and trades. The off-season continues until the pre-draft phase begins in the spring.

The off-season has three unique rules:

  1. Free agent salaries are not cut in half every 15 days.
  2. Players released but later re-signed by the same team do not have their keeper status reset to Year One.
  3. Trades are subject to a 48-hour review period (no Instant Trades), to allow other managers in the league review. During this period no free agent claims should be submitted as doing so negates a pending trade.

BBM Pre-Draft Phase

BBM enters what is known as the pre-draft phase of the game at some point in March when new draft lists are made available. Free agent lists are no longer available and keeper payrolls are reset to 40 million. Managers can renew their Keeper teams and start working on the draft.

During the pre-draft phase, keeper teams can make trades including Instant Trades (if that is the league option). Trades made during the pre-draft phase do not need to include cash as payrolls reset at 40 million once the draft begins.