The BBM Regular Season Schedule

BBM’s season begins each year in mid-April. The start date is determined by the last day of MLB games, so that the final BBM games align with end of the MLB season.

A full-season Ultimate or Express league will play 162 games – one game each day with a break that coincides with the All-Star Break in July. The league’s Opening Day will be displayed on the directory: click Directory on the League menu to find the date. “Opening Day” is the day that the first game results will be available.

Note: BBM requires 4 days after the league’s draft is finished before the season can start. While no league can start before the BBM Opening Day, Ultimate and Express leagues can play fewer than 162 games if the draft is not completed in time for the league to start on Opening Day. Games will start on the appropriate day of the BBM schedule, with previous games not being played. For instance: if the BBM season begins on April 18, but the league’s Opening Day is April 21, then the league’s schedule will start with Game 4 on the schedule.

At the All-Star Break, BBM will have game results on the Monday of the All-Star Break; the next BBM game results will be available on the day after MLB games resume, typically on the Friday after the All-Star Break (MLB may add an extra day to the All-Star Break when creating its schedule.)